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WEBA MONTHLY 1-2022-【New E-shop & 只想購物節】

2022 Happy New Year!!

All-in-one (Upgrade)


WEBA provides you with one-stop solutions with the most cutting-edge technology, satisfying all and various requirements of you and your company. With our professional knowledge, we ensure you experience the best, to do more and perform better, with the least. In the market, there are many all-in-one equipments. Users can acquire professional equipment at a lower cost but keep a professional level simultaneously and give more choice to people who require professional quality. With equipment, you may also need a solution. WEBA provides tailor-made solutions to our clients to fully utilize the products bought and meet the expected results. WEBA runs the whole show from choosing products to solution making to installation and provides satisfied all-in-one services.

【WEBA Prosumer 網店更新了!】




大家亦可於網站登記保養,只要貨品貼有WEBA Technology貼紙,即使該商品透過其他途徑購買,亦可以登記保養。


最後,好消息! WEBA現已新增支付方式,設有支付寶與微訊支付,方便顧客需要。

追蹤WEBA的Facebook、Instagram並訂閱WEBA的YouTube channel以獲取最新科技相關的業內資訊!

The WEBA Prosumer E-shop has been updated!

An all-in-one audio-visual information platform is designed for Prosumer.

People say, " Good tools are a prerequisite to the success of a job." WEBA hopes to help users improve work efficiency, productivity and help our clients make money through products or integrated solutions. WEBA provides products and services related to audio-visual, network, and software in three major categories.

Prosumers can participate WEBA's regular events and register on the new E-shop page. Prosumers can also make appointments to come to our experience center to try out WEBA's products through the "Demo Booking" button on the new E-shop page.

In the new E-shop page, products are classified more detailly. Through this, you can search for your favorite products more quickly as needed.

You can also register for maintenance on E-shop. As long as the product is affixed with a WEBA Technology sticker, you can register for maintenance even if the product is purchased through other resellers.

Moreover, the new E-shop has a Blog, where WEBA will share our monthly themes, latest products, latest events, and offers. New E-shop also includes a video teaching about " How to come" to the WEBA experience center.

Finally, good news!

WEBA has now added a new payment method, Alipay and WeChat Pay, which provides convenience for customers.

Follow WEBA's Facebook, Instagram and subscribe to WEBA's YouTube channel to get the latest technology-related industry information updates!

【WEBA X 貿發局 - 只想購物節】

臨近農曆新年及情人節,相信大家都在選購禮物送贈親朋好友和至愛。即使仍然無法如以往般遊歷世界,但我們還是可以到處走走和購物,好好犒賞自己和至親。 今年2022年,香港貿易發展局將於2022年1月20至22日及23日,上午10時半至晚上7時及下午6時香港會議展覽中心舉辦「只想購物節」,會場設有不同的展區,當中包括育兒精選、時裝珠寶、美酒佳餚、保健美容、家居生活、玩樂休閒。

WEBA是次展位於1A-E56,主要為大家帶來WEBA Prosumer 個人產品,同場亦會有不同的展覽限定優惠,包括一些組合優惠價以及「一元一件」限量產品優惠,先到先得,售完即止! 詳情將稍後在本公司網站發佈,密切留意WEBA網站、Facebook、 Instagram及LinkedIn的消息!

Lunar New Year and Valentines’ Day are coming soon. Are you struggling with gift purchasing for your family, friends, and loved ones? Even though we are still restricted from traveling around the world, it is time to shop for ourselves and our loved ones and treat ourselves well.

In 2022, HKTDC is holding “Spring Shopping Fest” from 20th to 23rd January at Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre. There are different zones, including baby essentials, fashion and jewelry, gourmet and wine, health and beauty, home and living, toys, and leisure.

We have a booth at 1A-E56, and WEBA Prosumer individuals’ products will be our focus. At the same time, WEBA is offering various discounts and a limited “One Dollar Deal” on a first-come-first-served basis! See you there! Details will be released soon on our website. Follow WEBA website, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to learn more!

E-Shop Updates


為感謝客戶支持,POLY STUDIO 現推出限量優惠,即上WEBA Prosumer落單。

企業尊享- POLY headset 耳機體驗計劃


可以任意選擇其中一款指定耳機,享受為期30天的耳機試用體驗。 聯絡WEBA銷售部。

網店尊享 購物禮遇 首單免運費

現有會員於網上購物滿HK$1,000可獲贈:250MM C TO C 線 乙條。新會員輸入優惠碼: NEW01 即可享首單免運費。

POLY STUDIO Limited Quantity Sale

POLY STUDIO is now offering a limited quantity offer to thank customers for their support. Go shop on WEBA Prosumer website to learn more.

Corporate Exclusive-POLY Headset Experience Plan

POLY is now launching the "Headset Experience Plan".

You can choose any specified earphones in the details and enjoy a 30-day earphone trial experience. Contact WEBA sales department.

Online shop exclusive shopping privileges -- free shipping for the first order

Existing members will receive a free 250MM C to C cable for online purchases of HKHK1,000 or more. New members can enjoy free shipping on the first order by entering the coupon code: NEW01.


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